Workshop on Dynamic Systems
23-27 July 2018, Barra de São Miguel- Brazil
The goal of the Workshop on Dynamical Systems, promoted by the research group on dynamical systems and ergodic theory of the Federal University of Alagoas with the support of FAPEAL, is to bring together specialists of national and international renown in the event in Alagoas to deal with recent and important topics in the area of dynamical systems. We expect to receive about forty researchers, PhD and Master's students during a week of intensive scientific exchange on current research in the field of dynamical systems.
More informations click here.
VIII Workshop on Differential Geometry
19-23 March 2018, Praia do Francês-Brazil
The Workshop on Differential Geometry of the Institute of Mathematics of the Federal University of Alagoas has become a traditional event that takes place every year in Maceio-Alagoas, during the Brazilian summer. The aim of this workshop is to gather in Maceio national and international researchers of high scientific level in the field of differential geometry.
More Informations click here