

The Graduate Program in Mathematics, at Master´s degree level, at the Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL) was recommended by CAPES in December 2003 and recognized by the 2609 Ordinance from Ministério da Educação, in 2004-08-25, published on Diário Oficial da União in 2004-08-26. In 2008 April, the Program was reassessed by CAPES and recognized by the 524 Ordinance form Ministério da Educação, in 2008-04-29, publishesd on Diário Oficial da União in 2008-04-30.

The implementation of the Program is due in part to the close scientific relationship that the Groups of Differential Geometry and Dynamic Systems of the Mathematics Institute of UFAL maintain with the respective groups form Associação Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA).

The purpose of the Master's Program in Mathematics is to enlarge and deepen the knowledge of the Mathematical Sciences of undergraduate courses, to form professionals for the teaching of the third grade in Mathematics, as well as to enable them to carry out activities that require application of Mathematics to technical or scientific problems. In a broader vision, the Program aims to solidify the basic knowledge needed for a future research career.

Until 2024, the Graduate Program in Mathematics at UFAL graduated 97 masters master´s degree candidates, of these:

54 concluded their doctorate in Mathematics;

01 conclued his doctorate in Computer Science in Computational Mathematics;

01 concluded his doctorate in Computer System Engineering;

01 concluded his doctorate in Education Sciences;

11 are doing the doctorate course;

66 are teachers at IFES;

05 are lecturers at State Universities;

06 is teacher at SEDUC/Alagoas;

01 is professor at Princeton University;

20 are lecturers at UFAL (in the campi of Maceió, Arapiraca and Sertão).

With the technical advice CNE / CES 78/2010 homologated by MEC – 1045 Ordinance, published in D.O.U. in 2010-08-19, Section 1, Page 10 - the Graduate Program of the Institute of Mathematics at UFAL got to offer a doctorate degree course in Mathematics, in full association between UFAL and UFBA that has as main objectives the formation of doctors and researchers in Mathematics and to foment the scientific and academic activities in the area of ​​Mathematics in the states of Alagoas and Bahia.

The social context in which both universities meet makes such a program strategic in the training of human resources in a broad area of ​​the Northeast and reinforces its importance. In this sense, we already have fruits. By 2022, the program has trained 27 doctors at UFAL, 16 already act as lecturers / researchers in the region and 1 works as a professor / researcher at Universidad Del Atlántico, Colombia.

The visit of the teaching staff of the program as collaborating researchers in research missions to UFBA and UFAL has allowed establishment of contacts with students, permitting them to develop their theses through interchange with other institutions, increasing the chance of the creation of future partnerships and encouraging the scientific production. In fact, between accepted and published, there are already more than a dozen scientific articles authored by the graduates.

 For more information, please contact us at

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